AWS offers standard principles on how to design serverless systems. Discover how they translate into guidelines for architecting new projects.
read moreAWS offers standard principles on how to design serverless systems. Discover how they translate into guidelines for architecting new projects.
read moreIt might sound like a difficult task to send your outbound Lambda traffic through a static IP address. But don't worry, it's easier than you think.
read moreLarge organizations use many AWS accounts to manage their applications. Learn how to share a lambda authorizer across all accounts so you only have to build auth once.
read moreServerless is far from new, but it is still young. As adoption grows, new techniques and best practices have emerged to provide an optimal experience for your customers.
read moreHow do you manage your release notes with CI/CD? With an automatic changelog of course!
read moreLoad testing should take a couple of days, not a couple of weeks. We have the tools available at our fingertips… for free
read moreDid you know that Lambdas are like ogres? They have layers. Discover how to share code across serverless functions the easy way
read moreDiscover how to move your existing API over and why you may want to wait before you do
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