Ready, Set, Cloud Podcast!

Join Allen Helton as he covers trending topics in the cloud and serverless space with recognized industry leaders.

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Build Fast, Not Reckless With Boris And Thomas

Discover the secrets of Baselime’s lightning-fast software development in this podcast episode about balancing speed and responsibility, CI/CD pipelines, and agile strategies for success.

Improving DE&I In Tech With Kristi Perreault

Catch up on diversity in tech - learn why a diverse workforce is crucial and discover the allies and support systems paving the way. Get inspired and energized to make a difference in building a more inclusive workplace!

Can You Be API-First and Serverless-First With Andres Moreno

Software development has many possible “firsts”. Front-end first, serverless-first, API-first, etc. But can you have multiple firsts? Andres Moreno covers how he is both API and serverless-first.

Building A Better Developer Experience With Lars Jacobsson

Developer experience is something we live and breathe every day. Good DevEx often goes unnoticed, but bad DevEx…. well, you’ll hear about it. Lars walks us through how he boosts developer productivity with tooling he creates to improve the DevEx of many AWS services.

A Deep Dive Into Platform Engineering With Ran Isenberg

The internet is buzzing about platform engineering. Does it replace DevOps? What does a platform engineering team do? Allen dives deep with Ran Isenberg to get all the details about this trending topic and uncover some of the mysteries around platform engineering.

What Is Serverless With Khawaja Shams

The serverless community is in a heated debate over what constitutes a serverless service. Is it simply abstracting servers away from consumers? Does it include scale to 0? All these questions are answered in this talk with Khawaja Shams, co-founder and CEO of Momento.


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