Our serverless superhero this week is Jonathan DeGroot, self-proclaimed “marketing boy wonder” at Serverless Guru and all-around great person. Jonathan is an outstanding enabler in the serverless community and knows a lot more about serverless than he lets on. He also is one of the fantastic community managers for Believe in Serverless. Thank you for everything you do, Jonathan!
Julian Wood hosted Nick Smit and Rishi Baldawa on Serverless Office Hours last week to talk about EventBridge under the hood. They peel the curtains back quite a bit and explain how EventBridge works from ingress to fan-out to everything in between. I found it particularly interesting to see the shift from Kinesis to SQS. There’s lots to learn from this session, check it out!
Eyal Estrin published an article last week on how it’s time to move on to Day 2 cloud operations. This isn’t serverless so much as it is cloud and modernization in general. That said, since most of us are working in the cloud on both cloud-native and modernization efforts, this post is a great reminder that being successful isn’t just about the code. It’s about operations, training your people, prioritizing security, and much more.
The video from GOTO EDA Day 2024 where Rita Sethi, Sheen Brisals, Luca Mezzalira, Michael Gasch, James Beswick, and Eric Johnson did a panel on EDA went live last week. Seeing the 6 of them together all talking about cool things built with EDA, where EDA is not a good fit, use cases, integrations, micro-frontends, and so much more felt like I was attending a secret meeting of great minds 😛 This is a great 40-minute video with the best of the best when it comes to event-driven architectures.
The Believe in Serverless community had a fun time last week with a Family Feud-style gameshow. The show was hosted by Sam Lock and featured Michael Liendo, Jason Wadsworth, Matt Morgan, Ro Ndimofor, Andres Moreno, and me. It’s an entertaining episode for sure, trying to guess the most popular answers rather than the most “correct” ones. Check it out to see who won, my team or Michael’s.
You might have seen it already, but AWS published the stats from Prime Day 2024 on their blog last week. The numbers in this post are mind-boggling and a fantastic testament to the capabilities of AWS. Some quick eye-catching stats: there were tens of trillions of calls to the DynamoDB API, CloudFront handled 500M+ requests per minute, and ElastiCache served over 1,000,000,000,000,000 (1 quadrillion) requests in a single day. Unbelievable!
We all love EventBridge, but something that’s been all over the place is schema validation. According to Nick Smit, that just changed with a new comprehensive example in the aws-samples GitHub repo. This is some tremendous work!
Schema validation is a critical capability for anyone building Event-Driven Architectures, but we've lacked a comprehensive example of how to implement it on top of EventBridge. Giedrius has changed that with this fantastic implementation: https://t.co/eS9Om2fh0w
— Nick Smit (@nickste) August 16, 2024
Love this!
It was a quiet week for serverless announcements last week. I suspect some cool things are coming.
I started back at work today after taking leave while my daughter began her battle with cancer. We’re still in the thick of it, but it’s time for me to return and get involved with the community a little more. So if you want to do something with me or have an idea for something cool, please let me know!
If you’d like to make a recommendation for the serverless superhero or for an article you found especially useful, send me a message on Twitter, LinkedIn, or email.
Happy coding!
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